For those of you who would like to continue to explore working with a trance posture that we shared, here is the 15 minute drumming track from my “Trancing the Inner Landscape: Avalonian Trance Postures” DVD. I hope you find
New Blog: It Begins…
The Ninefold Festival
This three-day event is sponsored by the Sisterhood of Avalon, and is open to all women, especially those with an interest in British and Celtic Paganism, Welsh Traditions, Druidism, Goddess Spirituality, and Wise Women’s Ways. Ninefold Festival will feature engaging
Afalarian Music – First Single Release
I am pleased to share this press release about the release of the first single from Afalarian, a music project I’ve been working on with sister, friend, and incredible musician, Lori Schneider. NEW PAGAN MUSIC DUO CONJURES MAGIC WITH PRE-RELEASE