Celtic Goddesses, Witches, and Queens Oracle
By Danu Forest and Dan Goodfellow
REDFeather Mind, Body, Spirit, 2024
Review by Jhenah Telyndru
From the moment I learned that this collaboration between Danu Forest and her husband Dan Goodfellow was in the works, I was breathless with anticipation to work with this deck. Danu is a wonder of a wise woman and scholar whose dedication to the divinities of Britain and Ireland is deeply rooted in academia, informed by tradition, and enlivened by lived practice. Dan is an incredibly gifted artist whose Awen shines through in all of his work, and especially so when it comes to his nuanced and inspirational depictions of the Goddesses featured in this powerhouse of a deck.

One of the strengths of the Celtic Goddesses, Witches, and Queens Oracle is its diversity. It draws from a wide range of Celtic traditions – Irish, Welsh, Scottish, Gaulish, and Arthurian among them — and features an array of Goddesses, spirits, Otherworldly women, heroines, and figures from legend and folklore. Not only does this deck serve as a reflection of the broad spectrum of traditions that have arising from Celtic lands through time and across Europe, but it underscores the enduring power of these female figures evidenced by their continued ability to inspire and guide seekers from all around the world into the present day.

I have such a deep appreciation for Dan Goodfellow’s artwork… not only because of his evocative artistry in rendering these Goddesses, but also because of his commitment to reflecting their cultural origins in their apparel, adornment, and accompanying symbolism. In this way, he is just as much of a teacher and proponent of culture as his partner Danu, whose academic studies inform the impeccably researched backgrounds presented for the subjects of every card. In addition to holding an MA in Celtic Studies and currently pursuing a Ph. D in the same field, Danu is an author and priestess whose decades of service shine through in her work. There is great synergy in this team; their respective gifts and deeply rooted wisdom born from direct spiritual experience weaves the collaborative magic that empowers this oracle deck.
In terms of the physical aspects of this deck and book set, the box is quite beautiful as Schiffer decks tend to be — sturdy and with a magnetic closure. The book that accompanies the deck fits neatly within the box, and features an elegant matte cover. If I had to make any improvements on the presentation, it would be to make the book a bit larger, although I do understand the appeal of a smaller volume.
The full-color book begins with a short introduction that provides a helpful background and Celtic cultural context for the deities and female figures featured on the cards. It goes on to offer some suggestions on how to consecrate the deck. The cards themselves are listed in alphabetical order, making it easy to locate their descriptions in the book. A close up of the card art introduces its section in the book. Forest draws upon both her scholastic knowledge and priestess wisdom in her write up for the Divinity or heroine that is the subject of each card. First, she presents an academically sound summary of their known myth and lore. She then provides guidance on the lessons each figure may hold for the modern seeker before giving insightful divinatory meanings for each card. Finally, Forest includes a lovely written prayer offering to honor each of these powerful beings.

The book concludes with some helpful suggestions on how to use the deck, provides some card spreads you can use for directed divinatory purposes, and offers an accessible and inspired process for connecting with the Goddesses, Witches, and Queens that most strongly call to you as you work with this beautiful tool.
This deck will appeal to a wide range of people, including those whose spiritual paths have forged connections with Goddesses and Otherworldly women from Celtic cultures, those whose practices make use of a variety of oracular tools, and those who collect decks featuring extraordinary art. I highly recommend the Celtic Goddesses, Witches, and Queens Oracle and have found it to be a deepening companion on my journey.
The Celtic Goddesses, Witches, and Queens Oracle can be purchased directly from the publisher, and from wherever books and decks are sold: https://schifferbooks.com/products/celtic-goddesses-witches-and-queens-oracle
For more information about this and other works by Danu Forest, please visit: https://www.danuforest.co.uk/
To learn more about the Art of Dan Goodfellow, please visit: https://www.dangoodfellow.co.uk/