The Mythic Moons of Avalon:
Lunar and Herbal Wisdom from the Isle of Healing
By Jhenah Telyndru
Llewellyn Publications, 2019
ISBN-10: 0738756857
Reclaim your inner sovereignty and unlock your greatest potential through a spiritual journey of self-discovery. The Mythic Moons of Avalon presents an innovative practice, built around working with herbal allies and the cycles and phases of the moon, that leads to soul healing and spiritual transformation.To heal the Avalonian way, you’ll meet the goddesses who represent the thirteen moons of the year (including the blue moons and lunar eclipses), delve deeply into Welsh mythology, and use herbal elixirs and rituals to improve your physical, emotional, and spiritual health and personal power. This book examines Avalon as a place of psycho-spiritual healing and rebirth. With it, you’ll make powerful herbal and goddess allies on your journey to the sovereign self within.
When the first words you read in a book are “What would you dare to become the person you were born to be?”, you know you are about to embark on a powerhouse of a journey. Scholar, priestess, poet, healer, Jhenah Telyndru has crafted a beautifully comprehensive, cohesive, and brilliant approach to transformation through lunar energies, herbal workings and the tales of the Avalonian goddesses. This is the time for this book! Those interested n pursuing the deep healing work reflected in both the monthly phases of the moon and the annual cycle will find a soul-satisfying breadth of information and effective tools for the work. Those familiar with the Cycle of Healing illustrated in her book, Avalon Within will thrill to see the introduction of the Cycle of Revealing. With her eye for impeccable scholarship, Jhenah makes a clear distinction between what has its roots in ancient tradition and what is of modern created and inspired origin, weaving the old and the new together into a richly layered tapestry that offers an invitation to explore a profound practice of inner alchemy. This may well be the best book on working with the moon that has ever been written.
– Tiffany Lazic, Registered Psychotherapist and author of “The Great Work: Self-Knowledge and Healing Through the Wheel of the Year“
Jhenah Telyndru, founder of the Sisterhood of Avalon with an MA in Celtic studies, has just released the follow-up to her wonderful and empowering book, Avalon Within. Avalon Within frames a system of healing and empowerment for women everywhere, who feel called to the wisdom and lore of the mythical isle. With this new release, The Mythic Moons of Avalon, we go even deeper, forging a path of personal sovereignty through the tides of the moon, working with herbs and the goddesses of the Avalonian tradition.
Telyndru weaves a tapestry of incredible beauty, full of lore and history, tradition and inspiration. Whereas in Avalon Within, we find the Cycle of Healing, here we find the Cycle of Revealing, the next step on the path towards sovereignty of the self. Here is the path that no one can walk for you; instead, Telyndru provides signposts along the way to help us remember and reclaim the old lore of the Celtic Britons to weave into our lives for the modern day. She has created an entire system that one can follow that is whole and complete in and of itself, and which can be richly rewarding for anyone who feels the call to Avalon. Here is the knowledge, and it is what you do with it that matters more than anything.
Here we can build bridges to connect with the divine, learn from plant allies and explore herbal energies, and also connect through journeying and pathworking to a realm where real transformation can occur, both on the inner and outer levels. This book is a real treasure, and has been long-awaited by many. Thank you, Jhenah, for your words and wisdom!
– Joanna van der Hoeven, co-founder of Druid College UK, author of “The Book of Hedge Druidry“, “The Awen Alone“, “The Hedge Druid’s Craft“, “Zen for Druids“, “Dancing with Nemetona“, “The Crane Bag,” and “Zen Druidry“

Distinguished Favorite: Spirituality
“The Mythic Moons of Avalon” by Jhenah Telyndru
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