New Avalonian Offerings and Online Trainings – Autumn 2024

In this time of bounty that is the heart of summer in the Northern Hemisphere, I am looking forward to the fruits of autumn — which includes a cornucopia of online offerings and learning opportunities. I am pleased to share that registration is now open for several of my popular immersion courses — Journey to Avalon: Walking the Path of the Priestess  and Pathways to Avalon: Seeds of Devotion — as well as for an exciting new offering: The Ninefold Path of the Priestess. Click the links below for more details about these training immersions, and to learn how to reserve your place. All women are welcome to join us!

The Ninefold Path of the Priestess

The Ninefold Path of the Priestess is a three year immersion into the Mysteries of Avalon. It is designed to facilitate the building of a profound personal relationship with Avalon and her Guardians, to assist in revealing the nature of one’s authentic priestess service, and set the seeker solidly on the path to reclaiming their inner Sovereignty.

Vessel One: The Cauldron of Inspiration

Vessel Two: The Cauldron of Abundance

Vessel Three: The Cauldron of Transformation

Vessel One: The Cauldron of Transformation – begins November 1, 2024

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Pathways to Avalon

Undertake a deepening journey into the transformational Realms of Avalon through sound scholarship, personal practice, and sacred service. Pathways to Avalon is an online program comprised of three in-depth immersions designed to foster authentic personal connections between the seeker, the Realms of Avalon, and the divine guardians of the Holy Isle. These are:

Seeds of Devotion: Connecting with the Goddesses of the Holy Isle

Stream of Tradition: Navigating the Myths, Magic, and Mysteries of Avalon

Call of the Cauldron: Of Poetry and Prophecy

Seeds of Devotion – Begins October 6, 2024
Stream of Tradition – Begins January 2025
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Journey to Avalon: Walking the Path of the Priestess

An immersive experience presented over the course of nine moons, this program provides the seeker with lessons, workings, tools, and creative projects in support of connecting with, and birthing forth, the Inner Priestess. Join with Sister seekers in an exploration of Soulwork, Service, and Sovereignty that is rooted in mythic wisdom and founded upon the Empowerment Midwifery model of Priestessing.

Journey to Avalon – Begins October 1, 2024

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New Avalonian Offerings and Online Trainings – Autumn 2024