Tradition holds that the Island of Apples – abundant with orchards hanging heavy with the sacred Fruit of Wisdom – can be reached by undertaking a journey over the waters of mist-enshrouded lakes or out past the Ninth Wave of the Sea, that threshold boundary between what is Known and Unknown. Those who seek Avalon are called, then, to traverse the deep, reflective water of the Unconscious… to move through the layers of illusion that restrict our ability to see with clarity… to journey past the farthest reaches of our self-imposed limitations. It is then that we are able to reach that distant land, that Shining Isle of authentic wholeness that lies at the core of each of us.

If you feel called to make this journey, consider joining us as we co-create a safe and supportive circle of those who seek the Vessel of Sovereignty — that indwelling Cauldron of Transformation found in the souls of all women. It is by walking this path, and embracing the truth of who we are, that we birth forth our Priestess Self — the bridge that connects who we have been to who we are meant to become, while making choices in the here and now that are in alignment with our Truth. It is this Priestess Self that, in return, holds a space of supportive healing for others to come into their own Sovereignty, through the application of the Empowerment Midwifery model that is foundational to the Avalonian Tradition as practiced by the Sisterhood of Avalon, based on the work of Jhenah Telyndru.

Along the way, we will connect with ancient British Goddesses, encounter Otherworldly guides and guardians, become immersed in Brythonic Celtic lore and mythos, and learn to align our inner landscape with the cycles of nature around us … all while we discover and nurture the empowered Priestess Self within.

The Process

Journey to Avalon: Walking the Path of the Priestess is an immersive experience presented over the course of nine moons. The program provides the seeker with lessons, workings, tools, and creative projects in support of connecting with, and birthing forth, the Inner Priestess – one who gives of herself in service to self, service to society, and service to Source.

For the first seven moons, the journeyer will receive an email packet filled with resources including:

  • Short video introductions.
  • Lesson packets filled with scholarly information, spiritual principles, and empowering guidance.
  • A guided meditation mp3 file.
  • Guidelines for making connections to, and building relationships with, the Celtic British Goddesses honored in the Avalonian Tradition.
  • Directions for creative projects in support of each Moon’s journey work.
  • Insightful journaling prompts, and catalytic self-reflective questions

In 2022, this program was expanded to include two additional moons of immersion:

  • An in-depth examination of the Empowerment Midwifery model of priestessing embraced in the Avalonian Tradition.
  • A culminating creative project reflective of each seeker’s commitment to walk their unique path of priestessing service.

Additionally, there will be a monthly online video check-in and Q&A session with Jhenah and all of the Sister seekers walking this parallel path, as well as a community-building Facebook group open to Journeyers only. These last two offerings are recommended to enhance your experience, but participation is not required.

All women are welcome to join us, as we gather as seekers from around the world!

Jhenah Telyndru

Jhenah Telyndru is a priestess, author, and educator who holds a Master of Arts in Celtic Studies from the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David. She is the founder of the Sisterhood of Avalon a non-profit women’s spirituality organization with international membership, and serves as Academic Dean of the Avalonian Thealogical Seminary. Jhenah has been teaching workshops and leading spiritual retreats around North America and Great Britain since 1995. She hosts online learning immersions and workshops, and facilitates pilgrimages to sacred sites in the British Isles and Ireland through Mythic Seeker Tours. She is a frequent presenter and guest speaker at academic conferences, religious symposia, Women’s Spirituality gatherings, and Pagan festivals. A priestess in the Avalonian Tradition for over three decades, Jhenah has been walking a Pagan path since 1986. To learn more about Jhenah, her writing, and her offerings, please click here.


I had only been a member of the Sisterhood of Avalon for a year when I made the decision to register for “Walking the Path of the Priestess” with Jhenah Telyndru. I felt it would be another way to learn more of the Avalonian Tradition; what I received was so much more. I came away from this course filled with Jhenah’s wisdom and guidance and a glimmer of her immense knowledge of this Tradition that we walk together. It was a step-by-step journey brimming with self-reflection, realizations and an awakening to find not only my Priestess-self, but my own authentic self. Each step was supported by Jhenah in the form of .pdf’s, meditations, and invaluable personal mentoring. I know in my heart that I will return to the course materials time and again. I feel grateful and blessed to have had the honor of taking the initial offering of this course. My thanks, love and gratitude to Jhenah for what she has brought into my life. – Susan Morgaine 

I have found the techniques in Jhenah Telyndru’s Journey to Avalon class to be very impactful. When I started the class, I was feeling a call to more formally incorporate my work as a priestess into my daily life, but I wasn’t quite sure how to go about doing so and/or what I had to offer of value to others in this work. I was immediately drawn to the activities and meditations of each class lesson and found the mentoring sessions to be invaluable in helping me to better understand my gifts, gain clarity,, and address challenges in a positive and effective way. In the six months since I started the class, the tools have helped me in innumerable ways including but not limited to:

*Improving my health

*Identifying and cultivating my unique talents and gifts

*Identifying and participating in opportunities to work more formally as a priestess

*Deepening my relationship with Avalonian goddesses and guides, ancestors and myself

*Creating a clear vision of my path forward as a priestess and beginning to manifest this vision

*Addressing pitfalls and fears of enacting my visionI would highly recommend this class to any woman who desires to learn more about the art of the priestess and acquire empowering tools for deepening working with spirit and manifesting her full potential.- Robin Corak

the commitment

If you feel called to join us in this nine month immersive exploration of Soulwork, Service, and Sovereignty that is rooted in mythic wisdom and founded upon the Empowerment Midwifery model of priestessing, tuition commitments are as follows, to be paid in full before the start of the course. I have done my best to keep this offering as accessible as possible.

Total Program Costs:

  • Regular Tuition: $360.00 USD
  • Concession Tuition: $320.00 USD – for seniors, students, and anyone with financial challenges.
  • Enriched Tuition: $400.00 USD – for those who wish to pay a bit more to help defray concession discounts.


Registration for the next journey beginning February 2024 is now open. Click HERE to reserve your space. All women are welcome to join us!