“Pilgrims’ Prayers”, photo by Jhenah Telyndru. West Kennet Long Barrow 2009

Blessings All,

I have been working hard, along with the Sisterhood of Avalon and Mythic Seeker Tours, to cultivate the seeds for what looks to be an exciting year of sharing, exploring, and deepening in the work with sisters from all over the world. While some events are still in the works, here is my growing Presentation Schedule for 2014.

I will be teaching several Sisterhood of Avalon Training Intensives this year, two of which will find me co-facilitating with two other priestesses and teachers in the Avalonian Tradition (the co-events in Glastonbury and Texas). I am honored to once more be co-leading the SOA/Mythic Seeker Tours 2014 Pilgrimage to Wales this August: The Priestess and the Healer. PantheaCon, one of the largest indoor Pagan conferences in the world, will be keeping me quite busy this year! In addition to presenting several workshops, and participating in a Llewellyn Author Panel, I will be hosting an Introduction to the Avalonian Tradition chat and a Sister Gathering in the Sisterhood of Avalon hospitality room at the Con. Please do stop by!

If you have any questions about these offerings, or would like some additional information, please do not hesitate to drop me a line!

Bendithion Afallon,


2014 Presentation Schedule



San Jose, California USA Feburary 14 – 17, 2014

Healing the Wounded Queen; Pagan Open Mic; Llewellyn Author Panel: Pagans and Ancestors – Living with the Honored Dead


Seeking Avalon Within Foundational Avalonian Intensive

Central New York, USA    May 8 – 11, 2014


Realm of Sea –  Level Two Avalonian Intensive

Hudson Valley, New York USA    June 12 – 15, 2014


Seeking Avalon Within Foundational Avalonian Intensive*

Realm of Land – Level One Avalonian Intensive*

Glastonbury, UK    August 5 – 8, 2014


The Priestess and the Healer: 2014 Pilgrimage to Wales

Wales    August 10 – 16, 2014


Seeking Avalon Within Foundational Avalonian Intensive

Hudson Valley, New York USA    October 2 – 5, 2014


Seeking Avalon Within Foundational Avalonian Intensive*

Realm of Land Level One Avalonian Intensive*

Texas, USA   November 13 – 16, 2014


*These intensives will run simultaneously and will be co-taught by Jhenah and other teachers and priestesses in the Avalonian Tradition.


2014 Presentation Schedule