Meet the author of Avalon Within, Jhenah Telyndru, on April 21st at Eye of Horus in Minneapolis, 3012 Lyndale Ave S., Minneapolis, MN 55408. She will be offering two workshops in the afternoon, with a free talk and book signing in the evening.

Trancing the Inner Landscape: Ecstatic Body Postures.

1:00 – 3:00 PM

The Island of Avalon, the Holy Isle of Healing, is an embodiment of the Goddess in the landscape; indeed, the outline of the island itself resembles a woman in repose across the British countryside. A place of pilgrimage since time immemorial, the unique transformational energies of the Glastonbury landscape have always been considered sacred.

Believed by some to be the heart chakra of the planet, the place where ancient Avalon once dwelt still attracts spiritual seekers from all over the world.

Inspired by the Ecstatic Trance Posture work of Anthropologist Felicitas Goodman, Avalonian Landscape Postures are a meditative journeying discipline that permits the seeker to connect with and explore the alchemical geomantic energies of the Island of Avalon by adapting meditative poses which approximate the forms of Glastonbury’s unusual landscape features — features which include mineral-rich springs, a spiraled hill, and a mist enshrouded lake. In assuming these postures, we are able to experience facets of the Avalonian landscape even as we awaken their transformational energies in our own lives. As we explore the Holy Island, we come to a deeper understanding of our own sacred nature. As we connect with Center, we are drawn ever nearer in relationship with Source.

Together, we will explore the symbolic significance of major sites in the Glastonbury landscape, discuss their mythic and historic context, and highlight their relevance to the spiritual pilgrim of today. Accompanied by Shamanic drumming, we will have an opportunity to experience a trance posture journey to the Holy Isle in a safe, sacred, and supported environment. Pre-registration required. $30 – call 612-872-1292.

Fire in the Head: Igniting the Spark of Awen.

 3:30 – 5:30 PM

This workshop will present several tools which will allow you to directly tap into the Source of Awen, as well as open the energetic channels of your own creativity.

Everyone exists as a vibration of the Great Divine Creatrix, and the creative energies of Awen is the Celtic resonance of this concept. This firey Source of Creation – from the inception of the Universe, to the conception of a child, to the reception of an inspired verse of poetry – is literally the birth right of all, and reclaiming the pathway to Awen is yet one more way to empower seekers to embrace our wholeness. Awen, or Divine Inspiration, was much sought after by the Druids and Bards of the Ancient Celts. In reclaiming the paths to Awen, we look to ancient tools and inspiried modern techniques to restimulate these energies in our lives. Pre-registration required. $30 – call 612-872-1292.

Avalon Within: A Sacred Journey of Myth, Mystery, and Inner Wisdom.

6:00 PM

Free Talk and Book Signing

For more information, and to pre-register, visit the Eye of Horus website or call the store at 612-872-1292. Hope to connect with you there!

Workshops and Book Signing at Eye of Horus Metaphysical Store in MN