Google Earth is an amazing resource; I’ve literally spent hours using it for research (and for fun). I thought I’d share some of the places I frequent in my various Aerial Pilgrimages, and I’d like to begin with a few images of some of the sacred sites in Glastonbury, specifically those which have such a strong connection to the Avalonian Cycle of Healing.

Below is a close-up of of Chalice Well and Gardens. This is the Vesica Pool (off-center in the lower third of image), the clearest of the water features as visualized by Google Earth. Fittingly, the wellhead itself is hidden by trees in the upper right hand corner of the image.

And finally, here is an aerial image of the Tor — its yonic shape and labyrinthine pathway are so very striking from this vantage point.

Aerial Pilgrimage – Tor Valley
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