The concept of Women’s Mysteries is a hot button topic for many in the Neo-Pagan community. The predominant perspective seems to relegate the Feminine Spirituality Movement to some reactive manifestation of Feminist Politics that is inherently anti-male and whose sole purpose is to rage against the Patriarchy. In my experience, however, Goddess-centered spirituality focuses on reclaiming the Sacred Feminine, not on devaluing the Masculine. Except for the most extremist perspectives, Feminism itself fosters a desire for “power with” rather than “power over.” Feminism’s goals are not about putting women in charge, but about equality of worth and unlimited choices for all, regardless of gender.

Living in a male-centered world, and growing up in Father God-centered religions, many women feel the need to explore the Feminine Aspect of Spirit. It is a big step to begin to see Woman as a reflection of the Divine, rather than as the carrier of sin and vessel of temptation painted in broad strokes in Judeo-Christian thought. Those who seek God the Mother do so in the myths and religions of the past, in the spiritual expressions of indigenous peoples and of the East, as well as from the spark of inspiration within — creating new forms and new paths for the women of the future.

I will be exploring these themes and discussing the importance of Women’s Mysteries and the power of Priestessing as an ongoing feature of my blog. I will also be sharing some specifics about my own path and the place for Women’s Mysteries in Celtic Spiritual Traditions. As you know, I myself am involved in a Women’s Spirituality Tradition through the Sisterhood of Avalon, and would like to share my insights on the movement and the impact I’ve seen it have in the lives of women. I hope all of you will participate in these discussions, and invite others who might be interested along for the ride.


Exploring Women’s Mysteries